How KiDS Ministry will Re-open + Students + Groups

We are grateful that we have been able to re-opened our building for limited services. We are moving forward with re-opening our KiDS ministries for limited services, too. 

As we continue to regather on campus or online, we want to make sure we stay connected with you. Please let us know if we can pray for you or care for you in any way. 

KiDS Ministry | Limited Services Begin Aug 2 

On August 2nd, we will begin limited services for KiDS ministries.  You can hear more about what that will look like by watching Trina's video linked above. We also have updated our FAQ page with more information for you. 

Student Ministry | Services Begin Aug 5 

Our Middle and High School students will start back on August 5 at 6:30pm. We are making the environment safe for them and we are re-connect with all our students who are able to come. 

New Series Begins Aug 9
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of… 

We begin a new series in three Sundays that I hope you won't miss. What happens when our pursuit of happiness drives our beliefs, thoughts, and actions? We will look at what should drive your beliefs, especially when it comes to life and liberty. 


This pandemic has left many people feeling disconnected. This should not be in the local church, however many people are needing that connection more than ever. This is why we have LifeGroups for people to connect. Will you prayerfully consider hosting a 6-week Life Group beginning on Aug 30? You can do this in your home or online. 

All groups will be encouraged to sync up with our series, Like A Good Neighbor. Attend our Group Host Rally on Aug 9 at 12:30pm. 

I am so grateful to be on mission together with you! 

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

COVID-19 Update: How are you doing? + KiDS + More


Building Re-Opening Update: 2020-07-08