Quarter 8 Update (Sep ‘24 - Nov 13 ‘24)
17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
1 Timothy 6:17-19 (NIV)
Dear Westside Family,
Through your commitment to make Jesus a priority in your life by placing Him first in your finances, God is working and His kingdom is advancing.
While December 31, 2024 will end the season of Unshakeable, we are just beginning a new era as a church family. God has moved in our hearts and transformed us more into His image.
We cannot go back to who we were. We will continue to keep Jesus first in our lives. We will be faithful to the gospel and let it transform us every day. We will live the gospel out in our neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools so others can experience God’s Unshakeable Love. We will share this gospel message clearly so many will have an Unshakeable Faith and become a part of God’s Unshakeable Kingdom Family. Let’s finish this season strong and begin a new era, together.
In Christ,
Your Westside Leadership Team

Unshakeable Q8 Update
Sep ‘24 to Nov 13, ‘24
Primary Goal: Unshakeable Faith
100% Engaging & Growing
Households Participating.
Of these, 138 households made an Unshakeable Commitment.
givers (households)
Secondary Goal: Unshakeable Love
Investing $2.5M
over two years to advance Jesus’ Kingdom
Total Committed: $2,332,789
Given to date: $2,177,726
Launching a
Family Care Center
Building our Faith
Releasing God’s Love
Local & Global
Church Planting
*Since September 2024
Parking Construction
Upgrading our Property
West Drop-off lane & Patio
West View of Patio
East Entrance & Sidewalk
West Parking & Drop-off lane
East View of Patio
We will begin construction on our parking lot early in the spring of 2025.
Our new parking layout will:
1) Improve safety with sidewalks.
2) Create outdoor gathering space.
3) Provide ADA compliant entry.
This project may cost close to $600K.
We have saved $500K!
If each Westsider remains faithful in keeping Jesus first in their finances, we may be able to pay off the whole project.