The Loft - MS

Sundays in The Loft
9:30 - 10:30 am

An experience just for you! Join us every Sunday morning from 9:30-10:30 am as we engage in building relationships and discovering a community of student believers.

Welcome to all MS students! The Loft is a place where you are accepted for who you are, challenged to take your next step in your walk with Jesus, and encouraged to join in the community with students where you live, study, and play!

The Loft - HS

Wednesdays in The Loft
6:30-8:00 pm

A High School experience on Wednesday nights! Come join us as we engage in building relationships with each other and Jesus and discovering a community of student believers.

Welcome to all HS students! The Loft is a place where you are accepted for who you are, challenged to take your next step in your walk with Jesus, and encouraged to join in the community with students where you live, study, and play!

HS Underground

Sundays in the UG
11:00-12:00 pm

This small group is an intentional discipleship environment catered to HS students who want to discover their identity in Jesus and unlock their God-given potential. Join other students in discussions and topics that are directly related to your walk with Jesus as you follow Him.

MS Small Group

MS boys - TBD
MS girls - TBD

Currently in search of hosts/leaders!

For more information, contact
Caleb at 913-890-4044 for MS boys group
Kelsie at 913-416-2001 for MS girls group

WSM Ukraine - Global Impact

Jeremiah’s Hope is providing care for orphaned and at-risk kids and holds a host of different camps throughout the summer to provide them with a safe space to have fun, learn abut Jesus, and learn that people care about them.