Unshakeable will engage every Westsider to grow in faith and relationship with Jesus through abundant opportunities to learn, mature, and contribute. It is our opportunity to intentionally grow in our Christlikeness and faith. Secondly, Unshakeable will also stretch our Christlike generosity as we invest our resources in eternal kingdom purposes that demonstrate God’s great love for others through His church.
Most importantly, we are asking you fully engage, pray, and listen for God’s specific growth direction for you. You will get the most out of this journey if you engage fully in all our Unshakeable experiences – the 6-week sermon series, the A2 group experience, and the two commitment opportunities of Advance Commitment Night (Nov 4) and Commitment Sunday (Nov 20). Every one of us has room to grow, and we each have a unique role to play for advancing God’s kingdom.
Thank you for your generosity! All our giving to Westside goes into one unified fund for Unshakeable which is carefully allocated in our annual unified ministry budget. Your Unshakeable commitment will continue to support all our existing ministries and make possible many exciting expanded ministry efforts through our Unshakeable vision. We are asking every Westsider to pray about how God will stretch your faith and expand your generosity.
First, we ask that you pray about what commitment you will make to Unshakeable. We’d love for you to make that commitment at Advance Commitment Night (Nov 4), Commitment Sunday (Nov 20), or online at unshakeable.faith/commit. Then, after you make your commitment, you can give anytime by going to westsideleavenworth.com/givenow. Thank you for your generosity!
We are asking everyone to make a two-year Unshakeable commitment. This period begins on December 1st, 2022 and culminates on December 31st, 2024.
Though the most common giving is done through cash and liquid giving, we also encourage you to also explore also contributing stored resources such as stocks, bonds, property, or other personal assets. Contributing appreciated assets such as these can provide you significant financial and tax advantages, thus maximizing your stewardship. We are glad to assist you with these transactions. Contact Deania Roland for more info.
Unshakeable is a faith initiative with the top priority being your spiritual growth. Leaning out in faith is the whole point. We encourage you to listen carefully to what God is guiding you to do, then step out in faith. We are confident we can’t go wrong trusting and obeying God. If things change, you can count on God to guide you through that too! Let’s trust God together.
First, God instructs us not to give out of guilt or compulsion. Unshakeable is designed to be a joy and blessing to all who engage, as God loves a joyful giver. If you’re struggling, give what you are able. God will see your heart and multiply the impact of your generosity. Also, please let us know how we can provide resources, help, prayer, or encouragement in this season.
For additional questions not found here, please email Deania Roland at droloand@westsideleavenworth.com, and she will reach out to you promptly. Thank you for going on this Unshakeable journey with us!