Building Re-Opening Update: 2020-07-08

We are looking forward to seeing those who are ready to return to our public gatherings as we re-open our building this week. We have some information in the video above that is important to make this safe for all and to help us ensure that we can continue to publicly gather.

Building Re-Opening | Limited Services

8:15am Service: Best for those who are higher risk
9:30am & 11:00am: We ask that families with kids coming attend only these services.

Our seating will help you maintain a safe social distance while we worship together.


We encourage everyone, 6 years and older, to wear a mask to the 9:30 or 11:00am services and keep them on until you are seated.

To keep our 8:15am service safe for those who are at higher risk, we are requiring masks to be worn until you are seated. For those who have medical conditions that restrict you from wearing a mask, please follow your directives and please come to our 8:15am service.

I encourage you to adopt an attitude I am having:
"Wearing a mask is not about your view,
it's about who is next to you."

These efforts will help us gather safely and help us ensure that we will be able to continue to attend together.

Staying Home?

Please let us know if you will be staying home while we re-open our building. This will help us know how we can best stay connected with you and help you be cared for in this season.

Digital Bulletin

Our bulletin is now fully digital. Make sure you are subscribed by filling out this form. This will keep you informed as we re-open our different ministries and it will give you the link to our teaching notes for Sunday.

I am grateful to be on mission together with you as we are loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus.

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

How KiDS Ministry will Re-open + Students + Groups


COVID-19 Update: 2020-07-02