COVID-19 Update: How are you doing? + KiDS + More

As we continue to safely gather on site and online, we want to keep you informed of what's going on and be sure you can connect with us so we can continue to pray for and serve you. 

Check-in Survey 

Please take 2-4 minutes to fill out this check-in survey to let us know how you are doing and your comfort level of returning to services on site. 

Serve in KiDS 

Our KiDS services are open at 9:30am for walkers and up. We want to continue to safely serve the families who come. As soon as we have enough leaders, we will re-open our KiDS environments for our 11:00am service. Let us know if you want to help make this happen. 

GroupLink | Aug 16 & 23 

This pandemic has helped us realize how much we need to be in community with one another. We will be posting opportunities for you to join an online group or a group in someone's home. 

Racial Forum | Aug 16 at 6:00pm 

Racial reconciliation is a gospel matter. Join us for the first conversation where we will learn to listen as we continue to be in prayer for our black community. This will be hosted on zoom. 

Night of Worship | Aug 23 at 6:00pm 

Scripture directs us to pray for our city leaders, state leaders, and national leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-4). We are going to do this as we worship our God who is control of all things. This will be live on site and at

I am grateful to be on mission, together with you! 

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

Sept 6 services are only online


How KiDS Ministry will Re-open + Students + Groups