COVID-19 Update: 2020-03-26
The church is Better together!
We are better when we’re together on mission,
loving Jesus becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus.
Online Services Until April 19 | Invite Someone
As of today, we will continue to abide by the governments order to stay at home and gather online for Sundays and our LifeGroups.
Invite someone to join you and stream the service from wherever they are.
Visit to give them options on how to stream our services.
Group Resources
We encourage you to continue to meet with your groups or even form new groups—but meet virtually.
Click here for a list of resources to help you do that.
We are better together with other churches.
Online Easter Weekend Services with Wallula Christian Church
We will be having a special Easter celebration with Wallula Christian Church in Lansing, KS. The church is to be united and we are uniting with them to celebrate Easter.
Visit to see service times for Saturday and Sunday.
We are better together when we love and serve one another.
Give Help + Get Help
Thank you for your continued generosity as you make Jesus first in your lives by placing Him first in your finances.
Give help: Visit to see how you can Give Help in this crisis.
Get help: You can also visit that link if you are in need of prayer, food, or basic household sanitary items.
We are better on mission together.
We are better together with other churches.
We are better together when we love and serve one another.
Thank you for being on mission with us!
Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth
3-22-20 Kids Watch Party for Your Home
KiDS church is now in your hands! Below are resources for you and your kiddos to do at home. We have provided bible story videos, music, and activities for you to do with your children.
We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact:
Early Childhood
Preschool Videos
2 years activity
2 year Bible Story Seek n Find
2 year Coloring Page
Preschool Bible Story Retell
Preschool Activity
Preschool Memory Verse Activity
Grade School
Song 1
Song 2
K-2 Grades Bible Story Video
3-5 Grades Bible Story Video
Memory Verse
Bottom Line
K-1 Activities
K-1 Activity Page
2-3 Activities
2-3 Activity Page
4-5 Activities
4-5 Activity Pages