Easter Together With You
I love Easter. I love Easter even though this will be the first Easter that I have not been in a church service. But that will not stop us from being the Church.
This weekend, we are joining arms with Wallula Christian Church to provide an online experience that will lead us in celebrating and reflecting on the resurrection of Jesus.
Here are some ways you can make this Easter meaningful for you and someone else.
Pick which weekend service you will join.
Sat, April 11 at 4:00 or 5:30pm
Sun, April 12 at 8:15, 9:30, or 11:00am
Pick which platform on which you will celebrate with us.
Online Campus: online.westsideleavenworth.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/westsideleavenworth
Roku Channel: Westside Leavenworth
Invite others to watch with you from wherever they are.
We have tools to help you invite others on social media or the homes close to you.
Have a KiDS Service
Our KiDS team has put together a KiDS service for your family to watch, sing, and learn together.
Subscribe to their Westside Leavenworth Kids channel on YouTube.com
Prepare for Communion with Us
Toward the end of our Easter service, we will take communion together. We encourage you to do this with your family. Get creative and grab whatever elements you can to remember Jesus' body that was broken (cracker, etc) and His blood that was shed (grape juice, cool aid, etc). The elements are not sacred, remembering Jesus is.
Here's a fun note, Cassie and I had communion with our church in South Africa one year with something called "Hot Cross Buns" and Kool-aid.
Join an Online Group
We were made for community even when we are staying at home. If you are not a part of a group, we have several Online Groups where you can be in community together.
Visit westsideleaevenworth.com/onlinegroups this weekend to see the group for you.
Happy Easter!
From our family to yours, we wish you a happy Easter as you celebrate the life and hope we have in our Risen Jesus.
Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth
Other Links:
KiDS Watch Party at Home
KiDS church is now in your hands! Below are resources for you and your kiddos to do at home. We have provided bible story videos, music, and activities for you to do with your children.
We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact:
Early Childhood
Preschool Activities
Grade School
K-2 Music and Story Video
3-5 Music and Story Video
4-5-20 Kids Watch Party for your Home
KiDS church is now in your hands! Below are resources for you and your kiddos to do at home. We have provided bible story videos, music, and activities for you to do with your children.
We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact:
Early Childhood
Song 1
Song 2
Preschool Videos
2 year olds activities
Preschool Activities
Preschool Activity 2
Grade School
Song 2
K-2 Grades Bible Story Video
3-5 Grades Bible Story Video
Memory Verse
Bottom Line
K-1 Activities
K-1 Activity Page
2-3 Activities
4-5 Activities
3-29-20 Kids Watch Party for Your Home
KiDS church is now in your hands! Below are resources for you and your kiddos to do at home. We have provided bible story videos, music, and activities for you to do with your children.
We love you all and are praying that you stay safe and healthy. We hope that you enjoy these resources and that your family is blessed by them.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact:
Early Childhood
Song 2
Preschool Videos
2 year olds activity
2 year olds Coloring Page
Preschool Activity 1
Preschool Activity 2
Grade School
Song 2
K-2 Grades Bible Story Video
3-5 Grades Bible Story Video
Memory Verse
Bottom Line
K-1 Activities
K-1 Activity Page
2-3 Activities
2-3 Activity Page
4-5 Activities