COVID-19 Update: 2020-03-20

We are praying for you and our church family as we navigate this COVID-19 crises. We want you to know how you can get help or give help during this time.


Our priority is to care for the people of our church and then be able to care for our community. We want to make sure those who are most vulnerable are able to have their basic needs met.

If you are in need of help due to a business closure or school closure, click below to let us know about your need.


In Acts 2:42-47, we see the first century church being generous by sharing from their excess to those in need.

You can give in the following ways:

  • Continue to give regularly to this local church. You can securely give online here or mail checks to our PO Box 163, Leavenworth, KS 66048.

  • We are working on a way for you to donate gift cards from the local grocers to help meet needs in our church and cities. We will update you on how to do this next week.

Your priority of regularly giving to the local church will make sure that we have the kingdom resources to help our church families in need and to continue to provide our excellent ministries to our cities.


We encourage you to continue connect with others using the technology you have. If someone comes to your mind, reach out to them.

We also encourage you to care for others during this time. Asking how they are doing, if you can help, or offering to pray with them will go a long way in helping others feel connected and cared for.


I don't want you to miss this Sunday's Service online at 9:30am or 11:00am. I will be bringing our church a special message for this time. It may be something for a friend of yours who is dealing with fear.


With the current restrictions, we encourage you to have a #wfclvwatchparty with your family and invite your friends and neighbors to watch live from wherever they are. Post your pic of how you are joining us on your social media with #wfclvwatchparty.

We have recently added our Sunday Live Streaming to Roku. If you have a Roku Device,  download the Westside Leavenworth Channel. Here are our other ways you can watch live.


Please know we want to continue to pray for you and your family. Please use the "Connect Card" on the Westside Leavenworth App or online to share those requests with us.

We also want you to be praying with your family, friends, colleagues, classmates and neighbors.

I believe God has put you where you are to minister to the people around you. I pray that you have the opportunity to share the hope you have in Jesus with those around you.

Thank you for being on mission with us!

Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

COVID-19 Update: 2020-03-26


Special Prayers for this Unique Crises