Let us Know! + KiDS Restart on Sunday

We know that many in our church family are still suffering the consequences of COVID-19's impact in their family and their finances. We want to continue to come alongside you and support you. Will you please take 5 minutes to take a survey to help us know how we can best serve and support you?

This week our Middle and High school service restarted and this Sunday will be full of energy as we restart our KiDS ministry.

Will you say "yes" to our KiDS and teens by serving in one of these two environments. We will equip you with everything you need so that all you need to do is just "show up." Let us know you are ready to invest in this next generation by filling out the form below.

Our leadership is praying for you and your families. We are praying that your hope is anchored in Jesus, that your hearts are encouraged, and that God continues to move in you and through you as you live on mission, loving jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus. Thank you for being on mission, together with us.

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.


KidS@Home for February 14


KiDS@Home for January 31