KiDS@Home for January 31
Hey Westside KiDS parents,
Welcome to week 5 of Out of This World and Rules For Life! We pray that this week's activities provide your family with a chance to bring the KiDS Ministry into your home. We are so excited to see what God has planned for Westside KiDS this year. As we enter into this coming year, please know that we are continually praying for your family. We are gearing up for our grand re-opening on February 7th, but we need your help. If you are interested in serving in the KiDS Ministry, please call, EMAIL or fill out a CONNECT CARD so we can get you plugged in. Our contact information is
Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056
Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058
The links below are FREE printable activities that follow the video lessons on our Westside Leavenworth KiDS YouTube channel. We want to empower you to be the spiritual leaders for your kiddos. Don't forget to follow and like our Facebook page WestsideLeavenworth.Kids for daily Parent Cues and a ton of fun things to do with your kiddos.
What You Need:
“Blast-Off” Activity Page, cardstock, and scissors
During the Activity:
Give your child a rocket. Say the memory verse and then encourage your child to hold their rocket and blast off (run) around the room. Repeat several times.
Before the Activity:
"Let’s say our memory verse together and BLAST OFF!”
During the Activity:
“Hold your rockets tight, and after we say our memory verse, we can blast off around the room! Are you ready?” (Pause and do the activity.)
After the Activity:
“AMAZING! Rockets are amazing, and so is JESUS! He can do amazing things! Who is amazing? Jesus is amazing!”
Jesus is amazing. Healing the blind man- John 9:1-12
“Everyone who heard him was amazed.” Luke 2:47, NIV
Who is amazing? Jesus is amazing.
Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Use Your Words Wisely
What You Need:
“Gameboard” and Wise Words” Activity Pages, Bible marked at Luke 16:10, dice, tokens
What You Do:
Read Luke 16:10
Talk through any possibly unfamiliar words or phrases, focusing on the meaning of the verse.
Read through it again, encouraging your child to say it with you.
Explain the game directions (listed below) while modeling. Once everyone understands how the game works, continue the activity as described below.
Take time to look through each “Wise Words” card, explaining what’s happening maybe even brainstorming ways they could be kind if it will help them later on.
Give each group a “Gameboard,” a deck of “Wise Words” cards, a die, and one token for each kid.
Direct your child to place their token at START and set the “Wise Words” cards face down.
Take turns rolling the die and moving the appropriate number of spaces. If someone lands on a heart, they draw a card from the “Wise Words” stack, look at it, and tell something kind they could say to the person in the scenario.
Be ready to re-explain the scenario and ask leading questions.
Play continues until everyone reaches FINISH.
NOTE: If a team uses all of its “Wise Words” cards before each player reaches FINISH, have them shuffle the cards and use them again.
What You Say:
“Our verse tells us that when we can be trusted with something little, then we can also be trusted with something large. One small way that we can show responsibility is by using our words wisely. What are some words that are wise to use? (Thank you, I love you, please, great job, are you okay) Great ideas! Every day we can choose the words we say. God wants us to choose words that will build up and help the people around us. So remember to [Bottom Line] use your words wisely.”
For help, more activities, or prayer request please contact us at:
Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056
Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058