KiDS @home for December 20
Hey Westside KiDS parents,
Merry Christmas and welcome to week 3 of the Christmas story! We also excited to tell you that we will also have
Christmas Eve content heading your way later this week. The KiDS ministry team wants you to know that we miss each of your children and are praying for your families. We know that this time of year can be very busy. With all of the excitement and craziness of the holidays, we pray the KiDS@Home videos and activities provide a tool to help your family stop and reflect on what
Christmas is truly about. The links below are FREE printable activities that follow the video lessons that can be found on our Westside Leavenworth KiDS YouTube channel. We want to empower you to be the spiritual leaders for your kiddos. Don't forget to follow and like our Facebook page WestsideLeavenworth.Kids for daily Parent Cues and a ton of fun things to do with your kiddos during this holiday season.
DECEMBER 20, 2020- WEEK 3
WHAT YOU NEED: Bible, “Story Puzzle” Activity Page, and scissors.
Click here to print Story Puzzle
DURING THE ACTIVITY: Review the Bible story as you lead your child in completing their story puzzles.
BEFORE THE ACTIVITY: I loved today’s Bible story (hold up Bible), and I have such a fun way for us to talk about it! First, I need to give each of you a baggie.”
DURING THE ACTIVITY: “Okay, there are four puzzle pieces, let’ put them together. Take them out and put your puzzle together. Let me know what you see when you’re done. (Go to each child and assist where needed.) What picture
do you see? (Pause.) Yes! The shepherds from our Bible story. What are the shepherds taking care of in the field? (Pause.) Yes, those are sheep. And what do sheep say? (Pause.) Baa-baa-baa! Who is talking to the shepherds? (Pause.) Right again! An angel. The angel came to tell the shepherds some very good news.
“Who remembers what the good news was? (Pause.) You are so smart! Yes, the angel told the shepherds that a very special baby had been born. What is that special baby’s name? (Pause.) JESUS! And why is Jesus special? Jesus is God’s Son! He sure is! The angel told the shepherds to go see the special baby, so they did! They were so excited about seeing Jesus, God’s Son, that they told everyone the good news that He was born!”
AFTER THE ACTIVITY: “You can use your puzzle to tell everyone the good news, just like the shepherds did. Jesus, God’s son, was born! Why is Jesus special? Jesus is God’s Son!”
Christmas is celebrating Jesus, God's greatest gift.
Grade School:
Ornament Art
Click here to print Ornament Art
What You Need: “Stained Glass Ornament” Activity Page, markers, crayons, or watercolor paints, paintbrushes or cotton swabs, cups, water, hole punch, string or yarn, paper towels.
What You Do:
Punch a hole at the top of each ornament.
Hand your child a “Stained Glass Ornament,” watercolor paint, a cup with water, a paintbrush, and a piece of string.
Show the kid how to use the string to create a loop at the top of the ornament.
Once your kid's ornament has a loop to hang from, instruct your kid to paint their ornament to make it look like a stained glass window ornament.
What You Say:
“Wow! Your ornaments look beautiful! Who do you see in the ornament? What was their part in the Christmas story? What’s your favorite part of the Christmas story?
“At Christmas, we celebrate that God showed you how much He loves you by sending Jesus to rescue you. If you look closely at the ornament, you will find a heart. That’s to remind you that Jesus is the ultimate example of God’s love for you. God loves you so much that He gave His only Son to save you. Take this ornament home and hang it on your tree or place it in your room to remind you that [Bottom Line] God loved us so much that He gave us a Savior.
“On Christmas day when you open gifts, remember to take time to think about how much God loves you. Celebrate the greatest gift you have ever been given—Jesus.”
For help, more activities, or prayer request please contact us at:
Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056
Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058