KiDS @home December 13
Hey Westside KiDS parents,
Merry Christmas and welcome to week 2 of the Christmas story! The KiDS ministry team wants you to know that we miss each of your children and are praying for your families. We know that this time of year can be very busy. With all of the excitement and craziness of the holidays, we pray the KiDS@Home videos and activities provide a tool to help your family stop and reflect on what Christmas is truly about. The links below are FREE printable activities that follow the video lessons that can be found on our Westside Leavenworth KiDS YouTube channel. We want to empower you to be the spiritual leaders for your kiddos. Don't forget to follow and like our Facebook page WestsideLeavenworth.Kids for daily Parent Cues and a ton of fun things to do with your kiddos during this holiday season.
DECEMBER 13, 2020- WEEK 2
WHAT YOU NEED: “Baby Jesus in the Manger” Activity
Review this month’s memory verse and motions below with the child. Then,
encourage your child to tiptoe along the line to the picture, whisper the verse
to baby Jesus, then return.
BEFORE THE ACTIVITY: “Who do you see in this picture? (Pause.) Baby
Jesus! Do you think the baby is sleeping?”
“Let’s say our verse together. Do you remember it
from last week?
“‘God (point up)
loved the world so much (hug yourself)
that he gave (hands out with palms up)
his only Son,’ (rock arms like a baby)
John 3:16. (Open hands like a book.)
“Great job! Now, let’s take turns. I want you to tiptoe and
whisper this verse to baby Jesus like this. (Demonstrate.) Remember, babies
sleep a lot, so let’s make sure we whisper. Don’t worry, every friend will have a
“God loved the world so much that He gave us Jesus!
What a wonderful and special gift God gave to ALL of us. Tell me, why is Jesus
special? Jesus is God’s Son.”
Christmas is celebrating Jesus, God's greatest gift.
Grade School:
Angel, Bow, Tree
What You Need: “Angel” Activity Page, “Bow” Activity Page, “Tree” Activity Page, “Questions and Answers” Activity Page, “Questions Cards” Activity Page -
What You Do:
Give your child one “angel” card, one “bow” card, and one “tree” card and allow them to decorate
Make sure you keep the “Questions and Answers” Activity Page.
Tell kids that you will read a question that has three possible answers.
An angel, a bow, or a tree marks each answer.
Read a question and the three possible answers out loud, and then hold up the corresponding “Questions Card” to help kids remember which answer goes with which symbol.
Direct your child to hold up the card (angel, bow, or tree) that is associated with their answer.
What You Say:
“Mary was an ordinary person—like you and me. She was going to get married to Joseph and live a normal life. But then the mighty angel Gabriel showed up with something incredible to announce! How did Mary feel when Gabriel showed up? (She was very upset.) How do think she felt when he told her that she would be the mother of the Savior of the world who everyone had been waiting for? I bet she felt excited and overwhelmed. I would have felt all kinds of feelings, too!
“In spite of feeling all those emotions, Mary realized that God had a perfect plan for her life. It would look very different then she had ever imagined. But God had chosen her to be Jesus’ mom! God had chosen her to raise the Savior who would save His people from their sins. Wow! Mary probably felt a lot of things, but one of the emotions Mary felt was joy! She was so joyful that she burst into a song of thanks to God!
“Did you know God has a perfect plan for your life, too? He does! It’s a really, really good one. Even when unexpected things happen in your life, you can find joy in knowing that God is with you and He is always working toward the good plan He has for you. [Bottom Line] You can have joy because God has a plan for you.”
For help, more activities, or prayer request please contact us at:
Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056
Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058