A Post Election Encouragement

Don't let "what if" overwhelm "what is." 

Click the video below to watch. 

Worried about “What if?” then remember “What is true” about God.

Our current series is a great way to focus on Who God is when you get caught in a “what if” trail that leads to the land of worry.

Impacting Foster Families in Leavenworth & Atchison Counties

You can make an impact in a foster child’s life and help a foster family by taking a tag this Sunday and purchasing a $25.00 gift card. You can also purchase gift cards through us.

Become a Member and Join us On Mission

Are you interested in becoming a member of Westside and joining us on our mission of loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus or want to know about our vision, then sign up for MissionLink this Sunday on campus or on Zoom at 3:00pm.

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.


Happy Veteran's Day + Impact Opportunities + At the Movies!


KiDS @ 11:00 am Beginning on Nov 8 + Thanksgiving Offering