KiDS @ 11:00 am Beginning on Nov 8 + Thanksgiving Offering

KiDS Services @ 11:00am
Beginning November 8

We will have two opportunities on Sundays for you to bring your KiDS 6 weeks to 5th Grade, at 9:30am & 11:00am. Our KiDS rooms are safe and clean and your KiDS will have a fun time during either service opportunity as they learn from scripture and connect with others.

Thanksgiving Offering | November 29

Because of your faithful generosity we will be giving away 100% of our offerings on Thanksgiving weekend to organizations in our county. Please begin to pray about how God may lead you to give above and beyond in response to His goodness and provision to you.

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

A Post Election Encouragement


Sept 6 services are only online