Weather Update: One Service on Jan 14 at 9:30am

One Service | 9:30am

Due to inclement weather, we are adjusting our schedule for tomorrow, January 14, 2024. There will be ONE SERVICE at 9:30am. 
All KiDS and Middle School services will be open. 

Your safety is our priority.
Please carefully consider the weather conditions and make the best decision for you and your family. If you choose to attend in person, please exercise caution while walking on the parking lot. 

Alternatively, you can join us for Church Online, live at 9:30 am.
Also, get access to notes, streaming resources, and materials for KiDS.

Help us share this update. Copy the images below to your device and share on social, text, or email. 

We look forward to being with you for the start of our new series, whether on-site or online. Stay safe!

Current Series:
Life's Toxic Game of Fame and Shame

We continue our series tomorrow. We all struggle with the inclination to promote ourselves. This is a response out of insecurity. Come and learn how our desire to make a name for ourselves is something that humanity has dealt with for a long time—and it is toxic. 

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

Grow in a Group


Celebrating Christmas, NYE, and more