Food Drive Thru September 3
Help us re-stock
the Lansing and Leavenworth
Middle School Food Pantries
Thru September 3, 2023
Bring your food items to one of our Sunday Services
We are partnering with these local middle schools to supply their food pantry with items kids may take home to have dinner or weekend meals.
Breakfast Bars,
Pop Tarts,
Mac & Cheese,
Boxed Dinners,
Canned Fruit,
Canned Vegetables,
Canned Ravioli,
Can Soups,
Peanut Butter,
Pasta Sauces,
Instant Potatoes,
Rica/Pasta Sides,
Canned Chicken,
Canned Tuna
Please choose plastic jars as students must transport these items home in their back packs.