It's a busy season at Westside. We don't want you to miss these opportunities.

In you "busy," don't get hurried :)

Serve this Summer

If you are not currently serving, will you prayerfully consider serving two or three times over the summer? We have many who will be vacationing or moving and you can make a big impact in a small way. Fill out the link below to let us know you're interested in serving.

May 7 Is Sending Sunday!

We will honor our military families who are moving to their new installation by thanking them and praying for them during all of our services.

Active Duty Family Dinner

We will serve dinner to all of our active duty families. If you are active duty, RSVP below. If you want to help us serve them, sign-up to bring a dish.

Mother's Day is May 14

Bring mom and we all will help honor her. We will also have a photo booth!

Waste the Haste Series Resources

Right Now Media:
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
Get free access to Right Now Media (our gift to you)!

Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
An Unhurried Life by Alan Falding
Margin by Richard A Swenson
Soul Keeping by John Ortberg
Emotionally Healthy Discipleship by Pete Scazzero

Stay Connected:

***If you caught the misspelling, let us know :)
(email to tell him you saw it)

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

Practice Solitude: Images for your phones


Update from Bethel Church in Uganda