We are prepared for a great Christmas Season!
Celebrating Christmas Together
Click below to watch the video:
Celebrating our start to UNSHAKEABLE
We can't wait to share with you how we started off Unshakeable by giving away an expression of Unshakeable love. Join us on Dec 18 to hear all about it!
Invite Someone
We have 3 great opportunities for you to invite someone to join you. Don't know who to invite? Here are some ideas:
Who around you is hurting?
Who is in a time of transition (ie. new to the area, having a baby, etc)?
Who is close to you but far from God?
Invite them to join you at:
1. This Sunday's conclusion to Advent At the Movies—it's on Joy!
2. Christmas Eve at Westside (3:30, 5:00, or 6:30pm)
3. New Series beginning Jan 1, Becoming Emotionally Healthy.
Get the book to compliment the series: Emotionally Healthy Discipleship by Pete Scazzero.
(Limited supply for purchase on Sundays. Find it on amazon or your Christian bookstore)
Get Christmas Invite Images Get the book
Start the New Year off building an UNSHAKEABLE faith
We invite you to 23 days of prayer, fasting, and scripture to seek first God's Kingdom so you can build an UNSHAKEABLE faith.
Because of you!
This year, we saw God work in incredible ways through our church family—including seeing 53 people be baptized. Your generosity makes it possible. As you prayerfully consider a year-end gift, know that your faithful giving plays a part in helping change someone’s life.
Don't forget to invite someone,
In Christ, we are unshakeable!
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