The Fall is FOR Your Family

The Fall is FOR Your Family

Watch Sunday's Teaching

Did you miss Sunday’s teaching? If so, please go back an watch it. This message was for those who are losing their trust in scripture, have lost their trust in scripture, or know someone who has lost their faith because of something that was said in or about the Bible.

July 4th Sunday

In light of the holiday weekend and the number of leaders required to make Sunday amazing, we will not have KiDS and Student services on July 4th. We want to thank all our leaders who serve so faithfully throughout the year and we look forward to being with you all together in our services.

Lead a Single's or Couple's group

This fall, our groups will focus on helping singles build stronger relationships and helping couples build stronger marriages. These groups will kick-off in September with a series called, "No Days Off: Parenting for the Win." For those of you who would like to lead a singles group or a couples group in your home or business, sign up for a Group Leader's meeting on June 27 or July 18.

On Mission Together,
Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

Sign up for our weekly bulletin to be informed with what's coming.

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

KiDS@Home for June 13


KiDS@Home for June 6