KiDS@Home for February 28
Hey Westside KiDS parents,
Can you believe it?! This month is almost over! We are wrapping up this month's themes and gearing up for March. This week the Grade Schoolers will be learning that we should be kind to people who are different from us. Our Early Childhood littles will be learning that Jesus loves them no matter what.
We truly believe that the faith of the next generation is worth everything. To make this happen, we need your help! If you are interested in serving in the KiDS Ministry, please call, EMAIL or fill out a CONNECT CARD so we can get you plugged in. Our contact information is
Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056
Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058
The links below are for a full month's FREE printable activities that follow the video lessons on our Westside Leavenworth KiDS YouTube channel. We want to empower you to be the spiritual leaders for your kiddos. Don't forget to follow and like our Facebook page WestsideLeavenworth.Kids for daily Parent Cues and a ton of fun things to do with your kiddos.
March Sneak Peek
February 28, 2021- WEEK 4
This Week's Bible Story:
Jesus loves me, no matter what.
The Thankful Woman • Luke 7:36-50
Memory Verse:
"A friend loves at all times.” Proverbs 17:17, NIrV
Key Question:
Who loves you?
Bottom Line:
Jesus loves you.
Basic Truth:
Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
Grade School
This Week’s Bible Story:
Hey Brother (Good Samaritan) • Luke 10:25-37
This Week's Bottom Line:
Be kind to people who are different from you.
Monthly Memory Verse:
You are God’s chosen people. You are holy and dearly loved. So put on tender mercy and kindness as if they were your clothes. Don’t be proud. Be gentle and patient. Colossians 3:12 (NIrV)
Monthly Life App:
Kindness—Showing others they are valuable by how you treat them
Basic Truth:
I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
For help, more activities, or prayer request please contact us at:
Caroline Webster (Early Childhood Director)
D (913) 890 4056
Lori Laps (Grade School Director)
D (913) 890 4058