New Series Begins Jan 2 + Women's Conference Early Bird Deadline

New Series Begins January 2: Burn the Ships

See why following Jesus means that we do not look back and discover what Jesus leads us to when we burn the ships in our lives. Share the invite below to invite someone to join you in person or watch with you online.

2022 Fearless Women's Conference 

Early Bird Deadline is Dec 31. Only $15.00!
Ladies, do not let fear stop you from joining a community of women who are learning how being perfectly loved leads to being FEARLESS. I don' t want you to miss out on being a part of this experience with other women focused on following Jesus. 

Go 22 with us in 2022! 

Join us in 22 days of fasting, prayer, and scripture beginning on January 3. Start this year in a bold way.

As you pray about what God may be asking you to fast, will you prayerfully consider going dark on social media by fasting Facebook, instagram, Snapchat, or Tictok for 22 days? I believe as we go dark on social media, God’s light will bring new life to our souls. You may consider fasting other things, like a meal, a food group, or a favorite beverage.

As you fast, I want to encourage you that fasting is just as much influenced by what you put into your life as it is influenced by what you give up. During this time we will be adding prayer. As you pray, I want to challenge you to pray a bold prayer with us as a church family: "Father, where are you at work in me and around me and how can I join you there?" We also have several Bible reading plans you can join in these 22 days to see God's truth transform you from the inside out. 

There has been a Psalm that has been transformational in me this past year.

"Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing.
The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing." 
Psalm 34:9-10

Did you catch that those who pursue God lack nothing and lack no good thing. When we pursue God, we get Him. When you have Jesus you have everything you need. We believe God will do something amazing in you and through you as we seek God through these 22 days. We are praying for God to do something great in us and through us in 2022 according to His power that is at work within us as we continue to be on mission together, loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus. 

Happy New Year!
Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor

Give to Westside before Dec 31 to get credit for 2021 contributions.
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John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

KiDS Snow Cones and Silly Sweaters


KiDS Bible Video Lessons! 1/2/22