Building Re-Opening Update
We are grateful for you being a part of our family and we can't wait to be in the same room with our church family again. We know that God's grace is always revealed in our trials. We pray that, as we navigate this season and move forward, you will continue to rely on God's grace that He has given through Jesus.
Leaders Gathering | June 28
June 28, 6:00-7:00pm
Your KiDS will join you in the Community Room
We will have our first open worship service that is exclusively for all who serve here at Westside. We will be sharing an inspiring message that will direct our focus for the upcoming season.
Building Re-Opening | Limited Services
July 12 | 8:15, 9:30, & 11:00am services.
We encourage those who are considered "high risk" to attend our 8:15am service. This will be an adult only service and we will permit infants to come.
Our 9:30 and 11:00am services will be open for families. KiDS will join their parents in the Community Room for the 50 min services. We have added some procedures to what we have in place to keep our building clean. We will be giving you more information in the next few weeks about how we are preparing for you and what you can expect as we re-open our building.
KiDS & Westside Student Ministry
Services begin week of August 2.
Our KiDS ministry environments will re-open on August 2. Our Student Ministries will also begin their weekly services this week too.
WSM Groups are now meeting in person. Teenagers can connect in a group and you can get info on how you can host a group below.
Church @home | This Sunday
I challenge you to invite someone to have church @home with you at your home this week. This is a meaningful way we can build community with each other, pray for one another, worship together, and grow together.
This Sunday, I will be giving a message that God has been stirring up in me for several weeks. It is timely and will challenge every follower of Jesus. I believe if every Christian would take this challenge, it would be the best action against racism.
We believe we are better on mission together loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus.