Reopening Plan | Faith + Responsibility

We know this has been a difficult and hard season for many people. As we continue to navigate this season, we are walking by faith and leading responsibly. 

Part of our responsibility is to listen to you and care for you. Please take this week’s updated check-in survey. 

Better Together on Mission

Even though our world has changed, our mission remains the same. We believe that we will be better together as we continue loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus with those whom we live, work, and play.

We believe that God wants to turn your home into His hub for His mission.

Westside Leavenworth’s Reopening Plan

As our community reopens, we want to share our reopening plan with you. Please know that our leadership team has prayerfully and carefully deliberated over this plan in faith that God wants to work in and through us and with a sense of responsibility to our church family’s safety. 

This is a pliable plan and could change as circumstances change. At this time, we will continue to be the church @home. We plan to reopen our Sunday gatherings with the whole Westside Family on June 21. At that time we will be able to have all KiDS programming and our Westside Student Ministries will be able to meet weekly.

Church @home + Talk-It-Over

We will continue to be the church @home during Phase One. You may invite others to your home as long as you stay under 10 people.  This is your opportunity to step out in faith and join Jesus on His mission. Invite a neighborhood family, friends, or a life group family to join you for church @home.

We will continue to post a Talk-It-Over discussion guide for each Sunday teaching so you can talk it over with those you invite into your home. 

Subscribe to our KiDS youtube channel and follow our updates at to get resources to lead your KiDS @home.


We encourage groups who are comfortable to begin meeting in person during Phase Two of the reopening plan.

Westside Student Ministries

Our teenagers, whose parents are comfortable with gatherings under 30 people, will begin to meet in small groups during Phase Two. WSM weekly services will reopen during Phase Out.

Courage to Step Out in Faith

We believe God will use you in greater ways by being the church @home than

by us gathering as a large church family during this season. We pray you have the courage to step out in faith and be on mission with us and be the church @home.

On mission with you,

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

5-10-20 KiDS Church @home
