Church @home: COVID-19 Update (2020-05-15)

“Persecution sent the first century church to their homes and the gospel of Jesus spread around the world. A pandemic has sent us into our homes and I pray the gospel reaches your neighborhood.”
— Kasey Robinson

Return to Church Services  Survey

While we are prayerfully and carefully planning to reopen Sunday church gatherings, we want to know how you are doing and how you feel about returning to larger gatherings.

Church @home

We are praying to have at least 25 families prayerfully consider hosting Church @home.

What's involved?
Invite another family + Gather + Scripture + Pray + Community.

Read more about Church @home or let us know you will be a Church @home below.

Church @home with Only Your Family

For those who will join us for Church @home with your family, we have some great options for you to build community around conversation and for KiDS Church @home.

Build community by engaging in the conversation on facebook or

KiDS Church @home:

Subscribe to our KiDS youtube channel and check out resources for this Sunday here.

Our Plan to Return to Large Gatherings

Our leadership team continues to meet regularly to prepare our facility and procedures so we can safely regather when it is wise. As of now, our leadership has prayerfully decided to resume large Sunday gathers when we enter Kansas' Phase Out stage, which now is no earlier than June 29. We will continue to update you, as this plan is fluid.

First Responders Zoom Call with Counselor Dr. Mike Grubbs

Are you a first responder or do you work in a correctional facility? We have created an opportunity for you to join others in an exclusive zoom call with Dr. Michael Grubb. Dr. Grubbs is Christian counselor. This group call will be free of charge for you and is open to any of your co-workers.

Weekly Bulletin/eNews

Get our weekly bulletin in your email so you won't miss out on upcoming opportunities and ways to connect with each other.

On Mission Together

Even though we can't gather, we are still on mission together. God's grace will increase as we continue to navigate the challenges we face. The church will prevail because God is alive in us and He will continue to work through us. We are better together.

On mission with you,

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.



5-10-20 KiDS Church @home