COVID-19 Update: 2020-04-26
Church @home through May 10
As of now, we will continue to gather for church @home through May 10. As county and state health officials begin to open the community up, we will assess that information and make the safest decision for you and our church family. We will keep you informed.
Weekly Check-in Assessment
Many of you took our 3 minute weekly check-in assessment last week to help us know how you are doing emotionally, relationally, physically, financially, and spiritually. It was so helpful. Please take it again this week so we can continue to see how you are doing—even if you didn't get a chance to take it last week.
Family News and Updates
Get news, updates, and KiDS activities at Our Student Ministry is having Zoom calls for the teenagers every Wednesday.
Get the zoom details at
This Sunday, May 3
Communion: Get some elements that will help you remember Jesus. (Cracker, bread, juice, water, etc).
Zoom With the Pastors | Join me and Joe for a Q&A. You'll be able to ask questions you have about church, our lives, your life, or scripture. Register for this event by clicking the button below.
Thank you for being on mission with us!
Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth