Regarding COVID-19 and Church Services

Church Family,

We are closely monitoring the effects of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and are in contact with health-care professionals as safety continues to be a priority for our church community.

At this time, we are planning to have Sunday services as scheduled. We will continue to livestream our 9:30am and 11:00am services online

While the virus has not hit Leavenworth County yet, we want to continue our efforts to keep a clean facility and safe environment. We want to be vigilant in keeping surfaces sanitized and communicate these with you. 

We also want to equip you to make wise decisions about coming to gatherings, regardless if they are in, or away from our facilities.

1. We encourage you to take personal vigilance regarding your safety.

Please take care of yourself and your family. Please educate yourself and your family about the risk, transmission, and symptoms of COVID-19.

Here are resources to help you do this:

Please stay home if you are immune compromised or don't feel well. This is for your best interest and the best interest of others.

Please wash your hands regularly for 20 secs (sing "Happy Birthday" fast 2xs) and avoid touching your face. Medical professionals are emphatic about this.

2. Every effort is being done to maintain a safe environment.

Should you feel like coming to our Sunday services, here are some adjustments we will be making during this season:

  • Hand sanitizer will be available when you check-in your children.

  • Our First Impressions team will encourage you to wave and smile, instead of shaking hands and giving high-fives.

  • We will not pass the offering baskets around. Please give online or use the offering boxes in the back of our Community Room.

  • We will frequently wipe down public surfaces disinfecting solution.

3. Be in communication with each other and with us.

We are a church family who cares for each other. We want to continue to engage in our relationships with each other, even as personal contact may be minimized. Please call/text to check on those in your LifeGroups or with other Westsiders you know. Communicate with us if you are not feeling well or if you know that someone is in need.

Engage with us on social media and use our app.

We want to continue to care for our church family, whether you’re home or abroad. We want to pray for each other and make sure each person has what they need.

4. Use this opportunity to be sacrificial and not selfish.

The church, the people of Jesus, is a light in these times as we show love and serve. We trust that God will meet our daily needs. That also means we will be generous with those in need. Be the good news to others during this season.  Be in prayer for those around you. Listen and engage. Look for your opportunity to serve. The story of Jesus will be known.

For updated information, please follow us on our app, online, facebook, or instagram.

I love being on this mission with you, whether we gather or we are scattered.

Blessings to you,

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

COVID-19 Update (2020-03-13) | Online Only Services this Week


Creative Kindness with a Loaf of Bread