
at Westside

April 19 & 20

Easter at Westside is an exciting time where we celebrate the reason for our faith
—the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
That event means so much to our lives, our hope, and our world.
Join us for Easter weekend at Westside


5:00 & 6:30pm


8:15, 9:30, & 11:00am

Come One. Serve One. Invite Someone.

We are excited to celebrate Easter together with you.

Full KiDS ministry at all services.
Middle & High Schoolers will join us in the Easter Services.

Help us make this a great experience for others:

Make space for our Sunday 9:30 & 11:00am services:
Please consider attending a Saturday service to provide more room for those who invite their friends to the Sunday services.

Serve with us for a service.
We have extra people on Easter and you can help us make the experience great for all. If you have kids, your kids can stay for two services. They will love it!