Church Building Re-Opening: COVID-19 Update (2020-05-26)
“I believe that God is going to turn this trial of a pandemic into a triumph for His kingdom as we, the Church, stay on mission together.”
— Kasey Robinson
Caring For You
Please let us know if you are in need of food, toiletries, or of physical services due to a physical or financial hardship.
Church Building Re-opening
We are excited to let you know that we will open the building for Limited Services on July 12. Our Limited Service will look different from what we used to experience prior to the pandemic so we can create a safe time of worship for all.
Services will be 50 min.
Everyone will be in our Community Room (no KiDS ministry programs)
Church @home
We are improving your experience for Church @home. Subscribe to our weekly email to get the Sunday Bulletin emailed to you before Sunday. It will include newly reformatted teaching notes and a Talk-it-Over conversation guide to help in the four features of Church @home: Gathering together (inviting others), learning together (notes), praying together, and building community around conversation (Talk-it-Over).
Let us know if you are hosting others for Church @home. We want to make sure you are encouraged and equipped for this meaningful way to be the church.
On Mission @home + Facebook Live
God has positioned you where you live to be on mission loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus in your neighborhood.
I encourage you to watch our Facebook live devotionals everyday—especially next week—as we will be sharing practical ways that we can be on mission together in our neighborhood.
I am so glad that we are on mission together. I believe that God is going to turn this trial of a pandemic into a triumph for His Kingdom as we, the Church, stay on mission together.
On mission with you,
Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth