COVID-19 Update: 2020-04-22

Church Family, 

Life is not normal. It is off script, but we are still on mission. I cannot wait to be able to gather again with you in groups, but until then, I continue to trust in God's goodness and hope in what He can do and will do.

Weekly Survey to Check-in on You 

We have partnered with the organization who did our Believe survey, to have a weekly questionnaire that you fill out each week so our church leadership can better understand your spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial health in this season. It can be anonymous, but if we can help you in this time, please let us know who you are.

Please take 3-5 minutes for the next several weeks to fill this out so we can have a better understanding of how you and our church family is right now.

New Series this Sunday 

We begin a new series on Sunday called "Better Together." Don't miss it. You find ways to watch at

Be in Community | Join an Online Group 

We have open online LifeGroups that you can jump into anytime. We need to be in community and our technology makes it possible. Join an Online Group here.

We will have a Talk-it-Over for you to create a group with a couple of friends. You will be able todownload this Sunday's Talk-It-Over here on Sunday.

Getting Ready to Return to Sunday Services 

I am looking forward to returning to Sunday services so we can be together. It is better to be together! When we know what that date will be, we will let you know. We are already preparing for that return. We know there will be some things that will continue to be different. We are working on ways to make our gatherings safe for all. We will be sharing those with you as soon as we know more.

Until then, keep loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus—nothing can keep you from doing that.

On mission with you, 

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor | Westside Leavenworth

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

4-26-20 KiDS Watch Party for Your Home


4-19-20 KIDS Watch Party for Your Home