Easter Food Drive (2 tons in 2018)
Food Drive | During All Easter Services
Last year, Westsiders brought over 1 ton of food. This year, we want to bring 2 tons of food to fill local food banks in Leavenworth & Lansing.
Bring as many of the following items when you join us on Easter:
- Boxed Dinners (Mac & Cheese, Pastas, Rice)
- Pasta Sauce,
- Ravioli,
- Peanut Butter,
- Canned Tuna,
- Soups,
- Cereals,
- Pancake Mix,
- Syrup,
- Healthy Snacks.
Easter Services
March 31: 5:00 & 6:30pm
April 1: 8:15, 9:30, & 11:00am
KiDS services for ages 6 weeks to 5th grade.
Visiting us on Easter? Register your child for check-in here.