Begin With Prayer by Signing up for

1. Sign up for an account... Easy as 1,2,3.

  • Visit and fill out the form asking for your address.* Click “Continue to Step 2.”
  • Fill in your login information (name, email, account password, and church—”Westside Family Church Leavenworth.” Click “Continue to Step 3.”
  • Choose how many homes you want to adopt by praying for God to BLESS them. Select what days you would like to be emailed to be reminded to pray for them. Choose if you want to let others in our church know you are a light who is praying for your neighbors and if you want to be notified when someone new moves into your neighborhood. Accept the terms and conditions. Finish by clicking “Finish.”

2. Pray for the homes that are emailed to you.

You will receive an email with a small list of the homes in your neighborhood based on public record.  The email will include a suggested prayer you can pray for those homes. You will see two buttons to click to acknowledge you’ve prayed for those homes. 

3. Track how you are BLESSing those homes.

By logging into your dashboard at, you can track your progress as you are Beginning with prayer, Listening, Eating & Engaging, Serving, & Sharing God’s story with them. 

*Your personal information is not shared by or its parent ministry, Mapping Center for Evangelism & Church Growth, with any other institution. Residential information is strictly used to map neighbors from open public records in order to create neighborhood lists. No data collected on our site is shared or sold. The information provided in prayer lists is all public data and not collected from any private sources.

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

Ways to Use Your Loaf of Bread


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