Reaching Families = KiDS Rooms Are Changing

We are grateful God is using our church community to impact more families. This means our in KiDS areas are growing!

We will be changing rooms in our Early Childhood Ministry to accommodate the influx of children. These changes will occur this Sunday, October 29.

  • Babies will move to Room 1 
  • Walkers will move to Room 5 
  • 2's will move to Room 6 
  • 3's will move to Room 3 
  • PreK will move to Room 4 
  • Kindergarten will move to Room 9 (Next to The Landing)

When you check-in your child, the tags will reflect these new changes.

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

New Options to Exit our Church Building 


Justice Awareness Meeting Tonight at 6:00pm