3 Services Beginning Sept 11

We want more families to experience what we experience every weekend and to discover the amazing life in Jesus. We are constructing more parking spaces AND... we are now starting a THIRD service to give you more opportunities to Come to a service, Serve at a service, and Invite more people to a service.

If you missed our Serve Link last Sunday, you missed out! We had over 100 people take a first step in serving at Westside. You don't have to miss out anymore. 

1) Listen to Sunday's teaching here.

2) DOWNLOAD THE SERVE LINK BROCHURE to discover opportunities for you to serve. 

3) Then, fill out this form to let us know where you want to serve and help us reach more families in Leavenworth County.

The new service will be added BEFORE the 9:30 & 11am service times and will be posted soon.

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.


Blood Drive on Saturday, July 23, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm


Serve Link | July 17