The Church Has Left the Building | New Year's Weekend


Church has left the building to BLESS others on New Years Weekend and this is how:

We want to encourage you to throw a New Year's Eve party on Saturday night or Sunday Supper on New Year's Day. 

Make the choice on which you'll do. Then, choose your Lifegroup, another Westside family or friend to do it with. Then...

1) Begin praying for someone, who you want to know Jesus, that you can invite to your party or supper. Take a big step of courage and invite them to your New Year's Eve party or Sunday supper! This may be something you want to do with your Lifegroup. 

2) Listen to them during your time together. Get to know them by asking questions. Listen to their passions, wants, and fears. 

3) Eat together! When it comes time to thank Jesus for the food, I want to encourage you to ask everyone to say something they are thankful for in 2016. That's it. Be a thankful church and let your thankfulness for what God has done for you be your story. 

These three practices will set you up to follow-up the party or supper to serve them and eventually share your story with them. So...

4) Listen for an opportunity to serve them. It may be something they say in conversation that you can help them with. It may be something that you want to do for them later. Be praying for the Holy Spirit to help you discover a way to take a follow-up step and serve them. 

5) As you build your relationship and learn their story, the will likely ask you about your story or about why you follow Jesus. That is the open door for you to give an answer for why your hope is in Jesus and what Jesus has done for you. 

Share you party or supper ideas below: 

John Riggs

Human. Flaws and all.

Can you help?

